

Query returned 1486 results.

Obstacles and development of support for translation of configuration rules

Tidstam, Anna; Malmqvist, Johan // 2013
Collaborative product development is a method for reducing costs, but there is a risk of severe obstacles during the product documentation exchange. Product documentation for configurable products ...

Performance measurement in global product development

Taylor, Thomas Paul; Kristensen, Saeema Ahmed // 2013
An organisation looking to form collaborations across borders is a consequence of an increasingly competitive world market. Recent studies highlighted key challenges and success factors ...

PLM support for development of modular product families

Bruun, Hans Peter Lomholt; Mortensen, Niels Henrik; Harlou, Ulf // 2013
Most modern manufacturing companies use a PLM/PDM system for documenting and managing product data. Companies use their PLM/PDM system for management of CAD files, documents, and drawings, but they ...

Reflections on the use of case studies in the teaching of engineering design

Lambert, Steve; Nespoli, Oscar // 2013
Engineering design skills are critical to drive economic growth while addressing such societal issues as sustainability and innovation. To help address this need in postgraduate students – both ...

Save a napkin, save a tree: The role of metaphors in product design to change behavior

Montazeri, Soodeh; Finkbiner, David; Papalambros, Panos; Gonzalez, Richard // 2013
In this paper we study the role of metaphorical design concepts in triggering a mindful consumption behavior. Through a retrospective study on persuasive metaphorical designs for behavior change, we ...

Scenario design approach to envisioning regional electricity networks with photovoltaics and electric vehicles

Kishita, Yusuke; Kurahashi, Naoto; Yamaguchi, Yohei; Shimoda, Yoshiyuki; Fukushige, Shinichi; Umeda, Yasushi // 2013
Toward realizing a low-carbon society, a variety of green products have been disseminated, such as photovoltaics (PV) and electric vehicles (EVs). While the dissemination of such green products will ...

Strategy, business models or tactics – What is product service systems (PSS) literature talking about?

Reim, Wiebke; Parida, Vinit; Örtqvist, Daniel // 2013
Product- Service Systems (PSS) and business model share the emphasis on value creation. Still PSS literature uses the term business models vaguely without being clearly understood. Therefore, the ...

Students practising realistic design process by collaboration of different disciplines

Huggins, Bernard James; Linda, Sara; Rane, Sham; Walle, Adam; Dougan, Chris // 2013
A pilot project was arranged between Product Design (PD) students at Glasgow Caledonian University and Engineering Design (ED) students at City University London. The assignment was to produce ...

Supply chain eco-information sharing in the product development process through computer aided design software

Mombeshora, Idai Mendy; Dekoninck, Elies // 2013
As decisions made during the design of a product have a significant impact on environmental performance, it is imperative that environmental considerations become an integral part of the design ...

Supplying the demand: aligning product design curricula and the professional practice of design

Spruce, Jon; Evans, Martyn David // 2013
Much research has been conducted into the content of design curricula yet limited research has been undertaken into how early career design professionals view their undergraduate studies, and in turn ...

Supporting sustainability thinking in postgraduate design education

Brass, Clare // 2013
Conventional design education, driving consumerism and growth, is today unsustainable, and must position itself to allow designers to learn to create responsibly, responding to issues that might be ...

Sustainability, design and engineering values

Winkelman, Paul Martin // 2013
Sustainability issues are slowly being integrated into the design process. What is frequently overlooked is that the pre-existing value system of engineering may be hostile to sustainability ...

System architecture change decisions in multi-variant product portfolios

Kissel, Maximilian; Lindemann, Udo // 2013
Decisions in complex design environments like in system architecture design can have wide-ranging effects on the operations of a company. The contribution of this paper to the body of research is to ...

The making of a journey-identifying new design approaches in contemporary art

Sjovoll, Vibeke; Gulden, Tore // 2013
This article explores how approaches identified in contemporary art can offer new perspectives in design education. The inquiry is done by involving product design students in such approaches through ...

The value of design information in collaborative design networks

Mahlamäki, Katrine // 2013
Collaborative design requires efficient communication, but the value of design information for the collaboration partners is difficult to predict. The dimensions of design information value and ...

Tolerance Optimization of a Mobile Phone Considering Consumer Demand for Quality and Sustainability in China, Sweden, and the United States

Hoffenson, Steven; Dagman, Andreas; Söderberg, Rikard // 2013
Dimensional tolerances are chosen during the product development process to balance quality requirements against manufacturing costs. Designers typically judge how much variance should be allowed ...

Towards structured integration of maintenance knowledge in industrial equipment design

Mulder, Wienik; Basten, Rob J. I.; Jauregui Becker, Juan M.; Van Dongen, Leo A. M. // 2013
Industrial equipment requires maintenance to remain operational. The level of maintenance that is required, and how easily it can be executed, is affected by the characteristics of the equipment. ...

Transforming user requirements into technical requirements for development of a new control access for people with reduced environmental impact

Breier, Guilherme; Echevest, Marcia Elisa; ten Caten, Carla // 2013
This paper presents a proposal for evaluation of product development in the electronics industry based on the application of the tool QFD (Quality Function Deployment) oriented environmental ...

Tutorial sustainable innovations - An innovative role-play concept for education

Rath, Karola; Birkhofer, Herbert; Kloberdanz, Hermann; Hanusch, Dirk // 2013
Developing sustainable products is no easy task. For designers, this means that not only technical requirements for functional performance but also ecological, economic and social requirements have ...

Using environmental segmentation to perform ecodesign with users

Domingo, Lucie; Rasamoelina, Francis; Bouchard, Carole; Brissaud, Daniel; Aoussat, Améziane // 2013
Market segmentation has been a crucial point for enhancing the success of new products. By grouping users with similar needs, manufacturers have been able to design products with much more appeal to ...

Using PLM and trade-off curves to support set-based convergence of product platforms

Levandowski, Christoffer; Forslund, Anders; Johannesson, Hans // 2013
Platforms may be used as an enabler for offering a variety of products to the market, while keeping the development cost down. Reusing design knowledge is a key concept of platforms, whether ...


Favi ,C.; Peruzzini, M.; Germani ,M. // 2012
Lifecycle design are widely used in industry to support designers in product development and to give them a tangible value in terms of efficiency and costs. Nowadays, the growth of product-service ...

A sustainable, industry-oriented Concept for an integrated Project in Bachelor and Master Education in Mechatronics

Leibl, Peter; Seemuller, Albert; Steinkogler, Alexander // 2012
The paper describes the differences in the theoretical background, methods and steps during the project works and the differences between the bachelor and master projects in the field of ...


Janus, A.; Kirdar, C.; Staeves,J.; Tartler, D.; Wartzack ,S. // 2012
New challenges in the automotive industry require new, detailed and complete material information along the product life cycle. Several facts complicate the finding of the required information. The ...

Boolean Searches

The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:

  • design community
    Find rows that contain at least one of the two words.
  • +design +community
    Find rows that contain both words.
  • +design community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”.
  • +design -community
    Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”.
  • +design ~community
    Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not.
  • +design +(>community <decisions)
    Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions”
  • design*
    Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”.
  • "some words"
    Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.

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