Managing a methodology-development requirement-process – Best practices and lessons learned
Year: 2013
Editor: Udo Lindemann, Srinivasan V, Yong Se Kim, Sang Won Lee, John Clarkson, Gaetano Cascini
Author: Schrieverhoff, Phillip; Lindemann, Udo
Series: ICED
Institution: Institiute for Product Development, Technische Universtät München, Germany
Page(s): 049-060
ISBN: 978-1-904670-48-3
ISSN: 2220-4334
The goal of the EU-Project AMISA – Architecting Manufacturing Systems and Industries for Adaptability – is to develop a methodology which allows optimizing system’s architecture towards maximum lifecycle value and furthermore implement it as a software tool. This presents a complex undertaking in itself and is enhanced by the complexity originating from the multi-national consortium with broad industry and academic backgrounds. This paper focuses on the requirement-management-process towards the Design for Adaptability methodology and software tool consisting of the main steps Requirement Acquisition and Categorization, Requirement Consolidation and Grading as well as Status Control and Management of Critical Requirements. The conducted steps are outlined in terms of the procedure, results and lessons learned and best-parcitces described.
Keywords: Design methodology, requirements, design to X, requirment-management-process, methodology development